There are those saying we're living in the days of Noah or are very near. Their reasoning isn't as far fetched as I would have believed ten years ago. But first, you must understand what is behind this idea. At first, it will sound strangely like I'm speaking science fiction and fantasy. Believe me though, this is all based in reality even if it shouldn't be.
First, the early church fathers wrote down their beliefs about Genesis 6:4-5 being about angelic beings who broke their own laws to mate with human women, creating what is called the Nephilim. None of this is argued against by Israel scholars. They are all in agreement. It's only after the 4th century that this view changes and primarily because of Augustine and a sort of bias view he held. He went against the entire jewish historical scholars and reinvented things to fit his idea.
Of course, just a quick glance at the interlinking passages in the Bible that correlate plus Peter and Jude's own writings, gives reason to believe, Augustine was dead wrong.
Now that this is cleared up, what's the point? Why was it even included and does it even matter today?
Here, we have to look elsewhere to understand what is actually going on. Here's a shocking statement for those unaware. Biblical authors READ BOOKS! They knew their history and the history of other nations as well. Half of the Old Testament is about other nations and how they did things that were against God. Plus Israel wasn't isolated. Like the rest of the world, they engaged in trades. They interacted with the wider world. But, and probably because of this and their very low willpower, succumbed to the religions of other people.
In captivity to Babylon, Daniel knew quite well the origin story of his captor's great country. It's also written down for us today on tablets found in Mesopotamia. This story is the story Genesis 6 and the Book of Enoch map over and parallel each point precisely. That is with one exception. Enoch is declaring what Babylon says is good as evil and what brought about God's wrath and flood. So it's not so far fetched or unknowable if Enoch was telling a real story. Genesis 6, the Book of Enoch, and both Peter and Jude plus Paul on occasion, reference these very events, matching what is in the Babylon origin story, the story of the Apkallu gods.
Now, for those who don't know, Enoch gives the account of angelic beings wanting to break their laws so that they could be like God, having their own people, their own race. They make this covenant with each other, descend to Earth and proceed to trick humanity with teachings of great knowledge that at first seems good. But, as Enoch shows, was a device meant to proliferate human depravity and death. They were taught the arts of seduction, murder, plants - how to make drugs so they could commune with the gods, knowledge in how to build things, how to advance their society.
In recent years, Gobekli Tepi was discovered and dug out. It's an archeological site that has radically altered the what scientists believed about the human race. They tell us we evolved from primitive cavemen who barely understood anything.Gobekli Tepi upends this entire idea, proving this is not true at all.
Buried beneath dirt deliberately placed to cover an entire massive city, what we have discovered just in the little that's been uncovered, human societies were much more advanced than thought possible.
According to Judd Burton and Douglas Van Dorn, their research shows that there is a point in human history that clearly demonstrates an unusual increase in knowledge that defies explanation. Anthropology studies show that humans advanced very slowly. But at one point in time, that understanding exploded, creating advanced societies that shouldn't have been possible according to how we advance.
This is proof positive that Genesis 6 is real. The events of the Bible and the age of Gobekli Tepi are relatively in the same age range. That's not all though. There is evidence to suggest there were hybrid creatures about.
....Nephilim were in the world in those days and afterwards, giants, men of renown.
....all living flesh was corrupt
....all the thoughts of man was continuously evil
A quick insert here on the idea of Nephilim appearing after the flood. There’s people who want to claim this isn’t true because the flood wiped everyone off the face of the world. They all died. Except the verse specifically says Nephilim appeared after the flood. It even mentions in the book of Numbers that 10 of the 12 spies of Israel came back to Moses terrified. They said Anakim were in the land, descendants of Nephilim.
I thought Nephilim died in the flood…where did these come from? Well, for starters, Nephilim are described with a specific characteristic - they were giants. David fought Goliath, a giant. This isn’t the only mention in the Old Testament either. There’s several places they are mentioned.
Let’s look at this one vile giant named Gog. Who was he?
Douglas Van Dorn wrote an extensive academic book called, “Giants - Sons of the gods,” where he traces through the Bible the occurances of giants and where they come from.
Gog is an interesting character because he stands out from the rest.
God tells Israel to head into the north country and make war on Bashan which is associated with Mount Hermon. Anyone who knows the story of Gog should note the region. It’s associated with evil practices and rituals throughout known history even outside the Bible. It’s known as the gates of hell, the gates of the netherworld, and Tartarus. It’s where Joseph sees angels ascending and descending a ladder. And it’s home to several temples to ancient high gods like Zeus and Pan.
Pan is of interest here because of what he’s known for. Pan, when depicted, is shown as a half human, half faun deity. He’s a trickster, but also is widely known as having rituals involving orgies, temple prostitutes, etc. He is depicted as having sex with women and goats.
Why do I include this weird and gross image? Because of it’s location and all that goes on in this region.
Gog is the king of Bashan and God has declared his destruction via Israel’s hand. At one point, when he is defeated, his bed is measured in precise detail. Many have scratched their heads as to this reason.
There is very good evidence that we have the answer. These bed measurements are the same exact measurements given in specific rituals done in ziggurat temples. These temples were built like pyramids to resemble mountains rising to touch the realm of the gods, aka the Tower of Babel. In these rituals, the god is said to come down and in a ritual sex act, impregnate the virgin priestess on a bed at the top of said temple. The measurements of this bed are written down and is precisely the same as those of Gog’s bed. Context is key. Location, history, who is involved, and pattern of evidence. Scholars contend that Gog, is more than mortal. This means he was a giant but also involved in an abominable act.
There is documented evidence the Smithsonian Institute is covering up findings of giants, redacting previously written articles, now all but lost. However, we have copies of the articles that are said to not exist.
Dr Judd Burton has some interesting theories on this. Douglas Van Dorn as well. As to today, I think Mike Heiser gives his theory on how the events of the flood and today can be tied together in his fictional books which is based primarily on real events and documents.
If humans now have the capacity and understanding to create our own DNA, not just cloning but creating life how we want it designed, how big of a stretch is it for Watchers to be behind it? As in the days of Noah... There's a ton of evidence that suggests a very powerful supernatural presence behind what's going on and has been. I could get something wrong here but I believe it was in 1995 the World Economic Summit was hosted by a guy who basically led the world leaders in a religious prayer to Osiris? I forget which god it was. Christians were, as he explained, to be blamed for all the problems they faced. On the pamphlet handed out to everyone was the image of a human being transitioned like in the New Age religion. They're all about "advancing" human, transitioning to the next level. In order to do this though requires a change.
This is what was done before the flood. The Watchers broke their own laws and did what was forbidden, creating a hybrid race, polluting the human seed. This is why we get the conquest of Canaan where Joshua is to destroy every last living thing in some places while in others he's told not to. Giants, but they weren't the only ones that were killed. It was everyone that associated in that place.
So it is today, some say. The advancement of quantum physics, the breakthrough of synthetic biology and the very real question of ethics going forward with this... Japan announced it is already in the process of human-animal hybrid experiments. Judd Burton and Douglas Van Dorn suggest that this is what the Watchers were also doing, not just with humans but animals as well. This is the reason God says all living flesh had been corrupted.
We also know through whistleblowers and such as the MK Ultra trials, condemning the evil the gov brought on children, that part of these experiments were rituals to call on spirits. This is nothing new. Germany was already doing this and we faked the documents of their scientists so we could continue the research. These are all proven by real documents we have.
A few years ago we would have scoffed at this notion of such nonsense. But we're doing it even now. We've walked straight into science fiction without bothering to answer the question, what are the consequences of such blasphemous actions God chained those who had done such things up for. We're in the middle of a very real and sinister war nobody talks about but the evidence is there to see.