Andrew D Nusz's Writing Journals
The Other Side
The Modern Church and Spiritual Warfare
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -20:40

The Modern Church and Spiritual Warfare

I have a very hard time liking the modern church, at least in the west. I don't know what it's like everywhere else but here... we threw out the Bible's supernatural worldview for a squeaky clean version so nobody got offended. And now that we did that, and the west has now turned pagan with practices and all that, the church has killed its effectiveness. We look like the fools to this generation and rightly so. The Bible says one thing and the church says to believe everything in the Bible except that which makes it special, the supernatural aspect. I heard Mike Heiser say this. In our modern church setting, if we could take out Jesus, we would but because He is essential, we leave Him in.

We have such bad and skewed ideas of the supernatural that all goes back to traditions we make doctrine. The ironic thing is, Church Fathers taught this worldview including a divine council, spiritual rulers, and when it says don't speak to the dead, they didn't say this is just a metaphor. So many things we consider weird in the Bible, if we actually let the worldview it was written in be part of the narrative, it would make sense! But we moderns think we're so sophisticated, smarter than everyone else, that the ancient world was filled with backwards thinking, unintelligent people... That's why we have our views. We dumbed everyone down from that time period so they must not know what they're talking about so we must interpret things with our view.

We forget science isn't absolute. It changes all the time. And as for the supernatural? I think quantum physics has demonstrated massively that what we perceive as real existence isn't quite so. Or else, that whole field could not work. It bridges that gap, for good or bad, and makes it known, there is a way to contact that other side. But like Heiser also said on this very topic of mediums, talking with the dead, God didn't have the laws forbidding such things written down to be a kill joy and kill all the fun and mystery for people. He did it because it can be done!

But we are human! We don't have a clue what we're doing on that side. That side doesn't have walls, physical dimensions, anything we could actually use to measure and articulate a reasonable explanation of what we see or experience there. We have no concept of that place so to contact something there, we are more than fools to think we can control the outcome. And that is exactly what witchcraft is all about, thinking we control the narrative. In actuality, we become the puppet.

If we follow the narrative of the Bible and its interactions with the neighboring kingdoms and their gods, we find something interesting. At the tower of Babel, and this is from the ESV and others that utilize the dead sea scrolls, God disinherits humanity. Why? Because we wanted to dictate the narrative. We wanted to control the supernatural. We built a Zigarot temple (Babel) to bargain with God, to demand terms. God said, I don't work that way, you don't get to demand anything of me. He disperses humanity according to the number of the Sons of God. Key verse here - "Sons of God" always refers to something supernatural in the Old Testament. It's a spiritual title in a hierarchy. They become the rulers of humans (which we get the Prince of Persia in Daniel from).

What's the key difference between Israel and the rest of the nations in the Old Testament? Humanity is enslaved to their gods out of fear. They weren't controlling anything supernaturally. The gods controlled them. They were by definition in Deuteronomy 32, owned by the spirits that ruled. They legally held this title because God gave that authority to the angels, spirits, gods, whatever you want to call them. It's all the same thing. Gods in the Old Testament were not figments of people's imagination. They were the ones demanding child sacrifices, sexual perversion, violence and mayhem. In Psalm 82, God condemns and pronounces a death sentence on them all for these acts. They were originally intended to rule justly while Israel was to be made a nation of Priests to bring humanity back to the true God. Instead, the spirits lifted their own status to god status and demanded worship of themselves in place of the one who created even them. This is a repeat of Genesis 6.

If you read carefully in the Old Testament, you will also notice a repeat of Genesis 6, the giant clans who in the geneology within the Bible, descend from Nephilim. The major thread that revolves around Joshua's conquest of Canaan is seen by way of who God tells him to displace and those he is commanded to anihilate completely. Those who are to be completely destroyed with nobody left are those who are linked to giant clans. These giants were not to be left alive at all. God tells Moses, when being led north, to avoid certain cities and people, to not touch them. Why? Because the giant problem was already taken care of by Esau's descendents. That, right there, is a major clue as to what God wants Joshua to do in the war. He didn't kill everyone. In fact, he left a lot of the people alone. It's these very specific name places we can trace in the Bible that get taken out.

Why do I mention this in connection to speaking with the dead, the supernatural games we want to play?

Genesis 6 is a catalyst for the real hightened depravity humans engage in and have grown in. The Book of Enoch details these events that mimic in some ways a Babylonian origin story found in Mesapotamia. It is this very story Enoch is drawing on for the evil that floods the world. Here's the kicker. The fault wasn't simply the angels that sinned (Peter and Jude quote this from Enoch by the way.) If you read the account and you dig a little into what a Zigarot is (most all scholars say this is what Babel was which links to Genesis 6), this was a joint effort, a human and spirit affair where humanity desired the knowledge given to them, marriages that bridged a deeply forbidden, abominable act transcending the human and spritual realms. In Enoch, the angels that did these perverse things were chained up in gloomy darkness to await judgement at the end of time. This is where we get the description of hellfire from and why it was created. For these angels in Genesis 6. This entire scene was brought about by both spirits and humans who craved godhood, to be like the angels.

In some ways, this is the heart of the matter even today. We are watching a fast decline of a real church in the west. There's this vaccum of real moral spirituality. And as history has always shown, where this vaccum takes place, paganism flourishes for spiritual things. It's not this if the church dies, atheism wins. No, that's completely untrue. In the place of moral spirituality of the church, people still want a spiritual existence. It's something within us. And in the absence the church has brought about, the craving for pagan things grows. This includes witchcraft, wiccan, druidism, new age ideas. They all have a singular beginning. That is, the supernatural realm with real supernatural beings who control and manipulate on grand scales.

Their tactics have not changed since they work so well. Sex, depravity, greed, seduction, warfare, arts of the archane spells, etc. This is nothing new but it is to the western world in recent years. At least, it's something that's been brought back recently with booming sales. All this ties back into the Biblical narrative of spiritual warfare who's origins is found first in Genesis 3, Adam and Eve, but expanded on greatly in Genesis 6. All the listed things man was taught heighted the ability to destroy self. It's a war tactic used. And it is still being used.

One look around the western world and it's obvious there's a deepening sense the supernatural has come in force to dominate the minds of a lost generation. Its focus is on once again control, to make people believe they can control the narrative while interacting with things so far out of understanding. With it, the teaching of depraved things, to seduce and lure hearts away from morals and God.

The church has been made to look like a joke whose people have no fun, are here to make life miserable for everyone else. In the place of the church, indulgence in every facet of evil is promoted, whispered and enticed, craved by human flesh. This is why the narrative is keyed on the idea of "emotions." Emotions are what is ultimately, the test of goodness. If it feels good, do it. It makes reality shift so that a repeat of Genesis 6 can happen. You must have a people so bought into emotions that morals become evil. It descenitizes a whole society to where it can be controlled.

Once, the supernatural was something needed to be hidden if the narrative was evil. The true rulers never wanted people to see what was being done in the dark. But as the world itself grows dark and the inclination of human hearts desired that which is evil, the need for hiding draws to an end. And the craving to the darkness grows again. The worship of the gods begin again. This is the ultimate goal of evil, to steal the worship of Yahweh and entice mankind back into a black abyss of depraved mindsets.

To say we can practice witchcraft and use spells and talk with the dead and think it's some game that we control is beyond arrogant. It's the height of human absurdity brought about by a western view of the supernatural. It doesn't conform to human history and the interactions recorded. We may bargain and trade for power but at what cost? Do we see the trends this generation is going into? Do we see the darkness that is leading them astray? The laws God had written down for Israel concerning these things were for protection, not to kill our excitement. He also did something more that the church refuses to acknowledge. The Ephod priests wore as a communication with God was also part of pagan priests who communicated with their gods. See what's going on here? God demands loyalty to Himself but will also demonstrate His willingness and eagerness to interact with His people. He wasn't killing joy but demanding loyalty to protect us from the hostile spirits.

The difference between Yahweh and those who pretended and still do pretend to be gods, is fundamentally light and dark.

Yahweh intends good for humanity who is loya to Him.

The userps, those Paul references in Ephesians 6, are hostile and bent on destroying humans through trickery, deceit, and enticing the emotions to crave that which leads to darkness.

This is true spiritual warfare we're in. It's with us every day but most seen in our children today. The unseen realm is filled with hostile forces bent on taking the children of this world and don't care too much if their actions are seen or not anymore. The war has grown in leaps and bounds. The cost has skyrocketed.

I want to share something here to show the reality of this situation. I've talked about the show "Stranger Things" being based on real events from the CIA before. That's total facts. We have the documents proving the depths of evil that was done to children within the MK Ultra project. They used spiritual rituals, abuse and torture of children to seperate their minds and to cry out to a deity while the other half endured and made to be controlled by the perpretrator. These are documented.

The same thing happens in sex trafficing where many times, those born into this word, aren't even allowed to have a life but controlled since birth. Their minds are split with one part enduring the pain of existence, while the other side blocks it out.

There exists for those who experienced horrendous abuse, a special counciling place. It's a place where these people go to when no other counciling helps, no amount of getting help works and churches don't want them because they're too messed up. Churches actually fear these people.

Some years ago, word of mouth was the only way to access Fern and Audrey's counciling. They had come out of their own abusive situations and had been involved in deliverance ministry for years. But being disillusioned and seeing the harm a lot of it did, they built their own ministry. With the help of Michael Heiser and his scholarly work on the unseen realm, victims across the world found truth in what he was saying because they saw it, lived it out. And by word of mouth, found their way to Fern and Audrey. There, they found the help they needed to become human again. From sex trafficed victims to ritually controlled to those who were frightened by having memories come back they didn't know they had. And for the majority of these people, they spoke of the moon and stars as heavenly beings who controlled them. They were giving the captivity story they lived in to Fern and Audrey. Mike Heiser, in his work, detailed the freedom of these very beings.

People want to believe, especially in the church, that spiritual warfare is God against Satan. Demons are probably real but not very important and has no bearing on anything within the church. That's the extent of our thinking on these things. We rarely understand that the church fathers we parade around as being so great and influencial would be horrified to learn of how we think today on these things. They taught about such things. They have written works that detail this view. And we conveniently forget all about this, putting on our modern glasses, our modern thinking, to say, we're the smart ones. We have everything figured out about God and the Bible and life. We're not influenced by spirits! That's rediculous! Right?

Spiritual warfare is very real, very previlent today. But in the church body, we act as though it's not real. We go through our day without thinking in terms of the supernatural and are led blindly. Paul made it crystal clear why he wrote Ephesians. They lived in this worldivew of the gods. And at one point, they were slaves to these gods and their laws. One only has to look at the history of nations to know the gods were the true masters. They were feared.

Jesus did away with this at the cross, reclaiming His role and stripping that power once given in Deuteronomy 32. But that doesn't mean we have no adversary because they refuse to acknowledge this fact. They will trick and decieve, whisper in the minds of leaders to do their bidding. They are still here, ruling nations and people, to do what they always do, entice humanity back into depravity and means to kill one another.

When I listened the first time to an interview with Fern and Audrey and their ministry, I had no idea what to think. They were speaking in terms that made it very real. People have and still are being enslaved to spiritual powers, abused and controlled in horrific ways. These are their patients and many come from the church, finding their way there because they understand a supernatural worldview is real. They lived it.

In the end, as Fern and Andrey demonstrate, there's a very simple solution that must take place but is very hard for one conditioned into these places. One must know who they are and how God sees them and calls them. It's not a magic formula but a belief, a loyalty issue. When we see the imprint of God on our lives, giving us a title, we can either live inside that view or deny it. The Image of God is a title humanity has been given. We are representaives of God in human form just as spirits are represenatives in that realm. In Eden, there was no distinction between us because there was no dividing wall. But with Satan's deception, we created a rift between us and God's holiness that can't be in that presence. But from the beginning, the Image we bare is God's own created family. We belong to Him. Our sin and disobedience is what seperate us.

This is where Deuteronomy 32 plays a crucial role. As humans, we were divided once again by legal and binding ways. When God divorced humanity, we legally were bound underneath other spirits. This is why the Old Testament exists. It was Israel against the other nations and God against the other nation's gods. Just look at any passage in the Old Testament. It is filled with this view. Or was that just symbolism and has no real meaning when David says of himself in Philistine, he couldn't rightly communicate with God? He was no longer in Israel. The general from Syria asks Elisha for dirt to bring back with him to worship with. Why? Because it was sacred space. It was sacred because God appointed the land for Himself. When Jesus talks to demons within Israel, they call him by His name. When He goes outside of Israel, they give him a different name.

Imaging is everything in the Bible. When Jesus dies and rises from the dead, He declares his rulership. He even says this at one point to His disciples after he appears again. He says he has now been given the keys to death and life, that he now has authority. It implies He didn't have it before. When He is in the desert and Satan says he will offer Jesus the world, that makes no sense unless the authority was there to give to Jesus. Otherwise it means nothing. That authority transfer has its origins in Deuteronomy 32. Paul describes the evil forces we fight against in cosmic geographic terms he derives from Daniel and the angel who fights the prince of persia as a ruler. They are described several times in the Bible as the moon and stars having dominion.

These are the terms Fern and Audrey say their patients tell them about seeing. The terminology is the same. And the key to breaking the hold is this. Know who you belong to. If you're conditioned to believe you're under the dominon of something that has power over you outside the scope of human power, you're a puppet. But if you know Jesus stripped that authority away and He alone holds the keys, you have the power to say to the devil and all the spiritual rulers, you have no authority over me!

THAT is spiritul warfare! Declaring the good news of Jesus defeating the powers of darkness, and rightly discerning the truth of it all. If we as Christians live in a world where we deny the existence of spiritual rulers, we have been given blinders and have no clue what we're doing or saying. It's a desception played on the church. And it's been going on for years.

But rightly knowing what we're up against and the defeat of said enemy is truth of their schemes and Jesus' authority, the church regains the power. We become a power house that no dark force can withstand. This is why it's IMPORTANT to know your enemy! That's warfare 101. It's something we as the church lost in the last few centuries but must regain.

This world has grown increasingly evil. It's encroaching on the doorsteps of the church because we're blind to who holds the strings. Rightly discerned, the armour will be on us and we can march as soldiers against the darkness.

This is true Spiritual Warfare. And our children, more than ever before, is what the enemy seeks for a prize.

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